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Showground Rules

• In horse areas, small children must be carried and must not travel in their prams and pushchairs. This is for the child’s safety in the event of a loose horse.
• Children under the age of 18 must be accompanied on the showground by an adult and children under the age of 14 must be supervised at all times.
• Only one groom / helper per horse is permitted in the collecting ring at any one time.
• All dogs visiting the Showground must be kept on a lead. All dog muck must be picked up and disposed of appropriately.
• Bicycles are no longer permitted on the showground. 
• No motorcycles or quad bikes will be allowed on the showground.
• When mounted, riders must keep to areas clearly intended for their use.  This includes the roadways around the showground and the all weather warm up arenas.  Exercise on any grass area is only permitted where clearly marked for this use, such as grass arenas and warm up areas.  Neither the lorry park nor unused grass arenas may be used for exercise.
• Please note the 5mph speed limit on the showground must be observed at all times.
• All horses / ponies entering the showground must have a valid equine passport and must be properly vaccinated according to the relevant Governing Body.
• All riders, drivers, grooms and helpers must have their own third party liability insurance.
• By entering the showground, you agree to abide by these Rules and Regulations, as well as any other rulebook specific to the event, the British Showjumping Rulebook for instance.
• Horses must only be walked between arenas.  No trotting or cantering please.
• All visitors to the showground must be aware that there are inherent risks associated


Pavilion Rules

In order to promote a safe and friendly family environment for our members we would like to re-iterate the following rules:
• Under Age Drinking is illegal and will not be allowed. Photographic I.D will be required for proof of age. If you are thought to be under 25 you will be asked for I.D. We would like to ask all parents to assist us by taking responsibility for their children.
• No glasses are to be taken out of the pavilion building.
• No drinks are allowed on the dance floor.
• Drunk and disorderly behaviour will not be tolerated, and may result in a permanent ban from the showground.


Equipment, Horses and Entries

• You are responsible for your animal’s behaviour.  You must take all reasonable precautions to ensure that other members of the public are not put at risk of injury.  This is particularly important with Stallions.
• All stallions must be clearly marked with a stallion disc.
• All Entries will be on a first come, first served basis. Once an arena is at capacity, no more entries will be taken.
• All riders must wear protective headgear to current British Standards with fitted secure chinstrap.  Chin straps must be fastened whilst mounted.  Back protectors are recommended for all classes. 
• All riders must be dressed correctly whilst competing.  In extreme weather, some waivers may be given for riding in shirt sleeves or raincoats by the judges officiating the class.
• If before, or during the competition, the organisers or judges decide that an animal is unfit or lame, it will be withdrawn and retired immediately from the competition.
• A Veterinary Surgeon will be on call throughout the event.  The numbers can be found on the Useful Numbers page on the website.
• Every attempt will be made to ensure that a Farrier is also on call, but riders would be advised to have their horses re-shod no more than 2-3 weeks prior to the event. 
• Particular care will be taken to detect any signs of cruelty in any form. In the unlikely event of this occurring, the persons responsible will be ordered to remove the exhibit and themselves from the Showground. 


Showground Etiquette

• All staff, judges and officials are there to help you. Please be courteous at all times and treat them with the respect they deserve. 
• Please be supportive and respectful to other riders.


Lorry Field Rules

• Riders are not permitted to erect enclosures / corrals in the lorry field for their horses. 
• All mess including haylage and muck must be removed from the Lorry Field.
• Horses must not be tied to lorries or trailers.
• Anyone sleeping in tents should vacate the tent from 8am to 8pm. This is to reduce the risks associated with loose horses. Tents and awnings must be securely fastened.
• Please park in double lines facing down hill in the lorry field.
• You must park where asked to do so by our attendant(s). 
• Premier Parking, which includes electric hook up, entitles riders to park ONE vehicle in the specified area. Display Cards must be placed in the window of your vehicle for the duration of the show. This vehicle may be a lorry or a caravan.  You may require a long lead (30m – 50m) with an outdoor connector.  Bookings and payment for this service must be done so in advance. 
• The show organisers reserve the right to remove any vehicle or chattels which are obstructing any access to or on the showground even if locked, secured, unattended and braked and they will not be liable for any injury, loss or damage etc.
• Chemical toilets have a dedicated emptying point, which is signposted. Chemical toilets must NOT be emptied in the Showground toilets.
• Please keep all property secured when not in use. Generators and equipment in particular should be kept locked up with a chain. All property remains the responsibility of the owner at all times.  Download our Keep It Safe Leaflet.
• Download our Premier Parking Information Sheet.


Rules at Night

• After 10:30pm, the lorry park should be quiet, no music should be playing and people should be indoors. Generators should be turned off.
• Once the pavilion has closed, please return to your lorries, caravans and tents as soon as possible and as quietly as possible. Anyone found to be breaking this rule may be asked to leave the showground, and barred from future competitions.
• Our night time security will be enforcing our Yellow Card and Red Card rules. For further details, please see our Code of Conduct.
• All reports from night time security will be passed onto the show organiser.


Stable Rules

• Stables will be allocated once we receive full payment on a first come first served basis, after which we will hire in Temporary stabling at an additional cost.
• Stallions will only be stabled in the permanent stallion boxes.  Therefore, anyone with a stallion must inform the office when booking stables.  These boxes are limited and will operate on a first come, first serve basis. 
• All stables must be mucked out before leaving the showground. Haylage, muck and wet bedding must be removed so that a working bed is left behind. 
• We do not take any responsibility for horses left on site. Anyone staying off site is advised to leave visible contact details on your stable so that another visitor can contact you if your horse becomes distressed.
• If found occupying a stable that you have not been allocated there will be an automatic charge of £50.  Your horse may be held in ransom until this fine has been paid.


Extra Visitors (not applicable during Covid-19)

• Riders will receive 3 Wristbands per stable, which entitles the rider and 2 guests entry to the Showground for the event. Further wristbands can be purchased from the Show Office, during opening hours, at a cost of £10 per person. 
• Wristbands will be checked during the show and individuals found without wristbands may be asked to leave the showground.  Please ensure that you wear your wristbands.


Accounts and Refunds

•Stables are non refundable.  Any rider may cancel their entries earlier than one calendar month before the first day of the show. They will be entitled to a full refund less a £10 deposit to cover our administration. Riders may cancel for any reason.

• Anyone cancelling within one calendar month of the start date of the show is not entitled to a refund.
• The money paid towards the forthcoming event may be transferred to another event at the discretion of The David Broome Event Centre.
• No transfers will be given to cancellations within one week before the start of the show. 


General and Legal

• The David Broome Event Centre, (Wales & West Shows, Cricklands Limited and Broome & Co Limited), nor any of their officers, Servants or Agents shall in any way be liable for any accident, injury, damage or loss or for anything that may happen (from any cause or circumstances whatsoever) to Exhibitors, Competitors, or members of the General Public or their Servants, Agents or to anyone on the Showground, or for any loss, claim, matter circumstance or event whatsoever in connection with or arising out of nor attributable or any journey to or from the Show.
• No individual for which he/she is responsible as owner lessee, authorised agent or rider to compete or be prepared to compete in any show jumping competition without taking adequate precautions to ensure that other members of the public are not put at risk of injury. 
• The organisers reserve the right to refuse any entry; cancel or alter classes or postpone the event due to unforeseen circumstances. The organisers also reserve the right, if necessary, to amend the schedule, which may mean that riders compete in less classes than advertised. In the unlikely event that the event is cancelled, the Organisers will return everyone’s monies, less an administration charge of up to 50% of the total price, to cover the irrecoverable costs of preparing to host the event. 

© The David Broome Event Centre 2025.

Call us today

and book a stable

01291 420778 (Opt 2)


Useful Contact Numbers


David Broome Event Centre,

Mount Ballan Manor, Crick,
Nr Chepstow, Monmouthshire, NP26 5XP

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